When you come upon one of these droids, you now have the option to activate them and use them as allies. Search under the crash to find a computer console where you can activate the remote droids that are scattered about the area. In this small alcove there is the wreckage of a large craft. The paths meet up again where there is a branch to the right. Check both routes for remains that yield useful items. At the onset there are two paths to take leading up hill. This canyon is filled with carnivorous Cannoks and old crash sites. When you land the Ebon Hawk, step off and choose two party members, preferably one with computer skills. Whether you chose to fight or run, Atton will land the Ebon Hawk on the jungle moon of Dxun. It contains some parts, components, and a computer spike.While queuing to land at Onderon your ship will be attacked by a fleet. Use the tunneler on the other plasteel container and it will pop open. Next to the wall there is another plasteel container that holds a security tunneler and some parts. Then, select the droids as targets and shoot them. Press the start button and go into the equip screen to give T3-M4 the pistol. This is your first opportunity to practice combat. Grab this item and some sensor droids will float into the room. In the closest plasteel container there is a survival pistol. Inside this room you can repair the droid 3C-FD with one part and he will join your party. There are still some objectives to complete on the Ebon Hawk if you so choose.Įxit the engine room and make a left to a door that opens the cargo hold. At this point you receive experience points and it is now possible to travel to Peragus. Inside of the engine room, use the parts collected from outside of the ship on the hyper drive to bring it back online. This door can be opened by planting a mine on the door and then backing away when it explodes.

Back inside the ship, continue down the hall to the engine room door. Grab the parts from the damaged quad laser and return to the inside of the ship. There is also a proton missile that can be examined to find a minor frag mine and some parts. This gives you the mine and experience for each one. Cross over to the port side of the Ebon Hawk, approach the two mines and recover them. There are also some exposed wires that will open the door to the dormitory inside the ship. The starboard side of the ship has a number of broken panels that yield parts for repairing the inside of the ship. Use the lift across from the medical room to search the outside of the ship for items. This will stabilize their condition and reward you with experience points. Search the plasteel container to the left of the bed and use the medpack inside on your character. Your character is in critical condition and must be healed. Open the low security door to the right of the woman to enter a small hall containing a lift that leads outside of the ship and another low security door leading to the medical room. Search her and the broken droid next to her for a key card and some parts. On the other side of the room there is an old woman lying on the ground. Under security, select the bash command and T3 will blast open the locker revealing 2 broken items and 2 computer spikes. In the main hold there is a broken droid that can be scavenged for parts and a locked foot locker. Open the container to receive a computer spike and then use the spike at the communications console to open the door into the main hold.
#Peragus open with sonic charge how to
The narrator and onscreen commands offer instructions on how to complete the goals of this area.Īt first, Take T3-M4 down the hall and make a left into a room with a alicia silverstone would like another shot at playing batgirl cylinder and a communication console. At any point in the prologue it is possible to return to the cockpit and skip this section of the game. You begin the prologue in the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk as a damaged droid named T3-M4. The last known Jedi lay injured aboard a devastated ship as it floats towards the mining colony Peragus. The republic is on the verge of collapse as the Sith has spread through the galaxy.